Welcome to my blog, where I share my thoughts on anything and everything that catches my interest. While I make a living as a software engineer, I’m aiming to diversify my writing beyond tech talk. Of course there will be a lot of tech stuff I will write about but since this is a blog about me learning expect a mishmash of topics as I explore wherever my curiosity leads me in the moment.
Among my various interests are how businesses and startups operate and become successful. I also follow various sports, mainly Formula 1 and rugby but I do enjoy reading about many others and particularly the business of different sports. I have a huge interest in transit and urban planning, learning about the ways we can change the environment around us for the better to make our lives better. I read quite a lot so expect some random book and article reviews or thoughts thrown into the mix.
I love the quote “consume breadth, create depth” so that is what this blog is about. It is my way of expanding my own knowledge and gaining a deeper understanding of the world.