
I have one laptop with both personal and work projects. I have organised code into two folders, work and personal so I want to use a different git identity for each:

  • /code/work
  • /code/personal


The basis for the solution here is we can conditionally include other config files in the main .gitconfig file and then create a different .gitconfig file for each identity. For example here is the main file:

    name = Mutable Comment
    email = [email protected]

[includeIf "gitdir:~/code/work/"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig-work

The .gitconfig-work file will look like this:

    name = Mutable Comment
    email = [email protected]

This setup allows me to use a different git identity per folder. For this particular setup, the default is my personal account but the /code/work folder will use the work email.